Live oak is also abundant on some upland sites.
What better memorial than to create a city dedicated to learning and science on some suitable upland site, to which we could transfer-?
It grows in the ecotone between wet river habitat and drier upland sites.
The abundance of pine on upland sites make dangerous wildfires highly probable during the fire season.
More recently a number of wind farms have been developed on upland sites.
Unlike many sites created by people of the same culture, it occupies an upland site near a major river floodplain.
In these mountainous regions, upland sites served as important focal points for local communities, so-called "tribal centers".
Aspen and paper birch are also common on the upland sites.
Mass mortality and population declines of anurans at an upland site in western Panama.
For example, many turtles are killed on roads when they leave the water to lay their eggs in upland sites.