Apart from a state's natural inclination to uphold certain norms, the force of international law comes from the pressure that states put upon one another to behave consistently and to honor their obligations.
Its purpose was to define the perfect woman as upholding social norms through the values of chastity, obedience, and silence.
Her protagonists often attempt to uphold existing social institutions and norms in the service of the greater good while the antagonists often attempt to exploit, subvert or radically alter the predominant social order for selfish gain.
We urge Australia, as we have already urged the U.S. government in similar circumstances, to amend its new legislation or at a minimum to implement it in a manner that fully upholds fundamental norms of international human rights and refugee law.
Will the anti-terrorist strategies of the US establish that it is the world's principal spoiler or a superpower upholding international norms and strengthening the capacity of international society to quash terrorism?
He acknowledged there was more to be done, but said Turkish society as a whole was committed to upholding European norms.
Cherryh's heroes and heroines therefore often appear to serve functionalist agendas, in that they attempt to uphold existing social institutions and norms in the service of the greater good.
It also requires a commitment to uphold common rules and norms, to work out differences short of the use of force, to promote common interests through enduring structures of cooperation, and to enhance the well-being of all people by promoting democracy and human rights and ensuring greater access to open markets.
The fact that Yasir Arafat signed the Oslo accords and that, like other Arab governments, he has failed to uphold democratic norms demonstrates that he is not qualified to lead and should step down and let more able and democratic leaders represent the Palestinian people.
"But Amethi is the Prime Minister's constituency, and one would expect the Prime Minister to be an example of impeccable behavior in upholding democratic norms."