But despite his commitment to his goals, Mr. Lamm's campaign clearly faces an uphill challenge.
The company faces an uphill challenge in persuading people to use its maps, however, according to researchers, market analysts and competitors.
Martin Connor, a State Senator since 1978, faces a spirited, uphill challenge from Luis Osorio, a deputy associate commissioner in the city Department of Employment.
But classified State Department documents indicate that the Administration and Mr. Safir face an uphill challenge in working with Dominican security agencies.
Undoubtedly, it will be an uphill challenge for Blake to win the Tennis Masters Cup against Federer.
However, hill development remains an uphill challenge as out migration of local peoples continues from the highland hinterlands.
He acknowledged that with some groups, including blacks, "we have an uphill challenge sometimes, to prove to nontraditional Republicans that we are worthy of their trust."
"History shows," said Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's chief political adviser, "that it's an uphill challenge."
In ideal weather, the walk was a mile's mild uphill challenge.
Though still in decent financial shape, Presto was facing an uphill challenge in the transition from the PC to console game market.