Do you know how to upgrade your software to the latest version for the least cost?
Those same people would definitely upgrade their copy of Works to a new version, especially if it were free.
We highly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version if haven't already.
Can't afford upgrading to a new version of a component?
Speedy's code will force them to upgrade everyone in the company at once to the new version.
Users of earlier versions are encouraged to upgrade to the current version.
To upgrade the product to the latest version, one would have to go to a separate website.
For the past six months, the museum's been upgrading the security in each hall, one after another, to the latest version of the system.
The full scale of the problem only became obvious as more people attempted to use the product, especially those who upgraded to the new version.
During the conflict, the craft was upgraded, notably to a larger version based on the Model 205.