India and Pakistan have upgraded old tanks and bought new T-84s and T-90s from the former Soviet states.
B3 Governments Flout Fuel Law New York State is among many state and local governments using thousands of old fuel tanks that may leak chemicals into water supplies, despite a 1998 federal deadline to upgrade such tanks, records show.
Peruvian officials presented Soghanalian with "a shopping list of more than $70 million worth of hardware that he thought could have been meant only for a regular army: antiaircraft weapons, communications gear and equipment to upgrade tanks.
In 2017 the plant would reopen to upgrade existing tanks.
The tax increase would generate up to $100 million a year for loans of up to $200,000 for upgrading tanks and grants of up to $2 million for environmental cleanups.
The U.S. Army is planning to close the Lima Army Tank Plant from 2013 to 2016 in an effort to save over $1 billion; it would be reopened in 2017 to upgrade existing tanks.
"You're talking about $18,000 to $35,000 just to upgrade old tanks," said Jerry Ferrara, executive vice president of the New Jersey Gasoline Retailers Association.
The gameplay is classic RPG fare: the characters travel from town to town, having random encounters on the way, upgrading items and tanks as they go.
But perhaps there is an agenda here not to invest in upgrading septic tanks, and then to use this as a stick with which to beat the rural population.