A Police Department pamphlet published last April strongly criticized its own policy of not updating procedures to deal with the surge in youth crimes "in more than a generation."
Keeping the information up to date was also essential, so we put in place clear maintenance and updating procedures for all staff.
The station was required in those days to use transmitter site operating engineers or update its equipment and procedures in order to permit remote control operation.
But governmental departments will need to tread carefully when harnessing these tools to augment, replace, or simply update existing tools and procedures, some of which are growing quite long in the tooth.
The listing of changes is intended to assist government audit organizations and practitioners in updating their related policies and procedures for conducting government audits.
For example, you might want to update procedures or provide better training if you introduce new processes or equipment or if you have problems in a particular area.
In attempting to update late-14th-century compositional procedures, he also embraces the systemic rationalism of today's rear guard and our pervasive historical self-consciousness and applies them to post-modernism.
RealNetworks and AOL have since changed their updating procedures and privacy policies.
It will be good if we can agree to update the existing dispute mechanisms and judicial procedures, because these are outdated and need to be brought up to date and made more transparent.
But she said the railroad was preparing for a strike, updating procedures and coordinating its efforts with various government and community agencies.