Suspicions this was originally to be a Hungarian/Soviet flight were confirmed in 1980 when press releases for an upcoming joint mission were still dated June 1979.
The Chesapeake was berthed at Norfolk and was outfitted for her upcoming mission in great haste with a green crew and equipment that was below standards.
While these elements of the 180th were deployed to Afghanistan, the 180th's higher headquarters, the 45th Infantry Brigade, was alerted of an upcoming mission to Iraq.
Part of it is that we have an upcoming mission.
Three winners will be selected from all over the world, with the prize being a coveted spot on an upcoming mission to return to the moon.
As it was, repair of the runways would probably be too late for Cheyenne to count on any air support in her upcoming missions.
Planetes (TV, 2004): There is an upcoming exploratory mission to Jupiter on a new fusion powered ship, the Von Braun.
Rim passes intelligence on an upcoming mission to insert South Korean spies into North Korea via a fishing boat to Yun.
"Colonel, this is an advisory on an upcoming mission."
In late August, Gosinski wrote about an upcoming mission to Africa: