A full and up-to-date listing is available on his web site.:
An up-to-date listing can be found on her official website (see below).
An up-to-date listing of music events in and around Socorro can be found at socorromusic.com.
An up-to-date listing of all national and multi-national L'Arche headquarters can be found here.
An up-to-date listing of all L'Arche communities worldwide can be found here.
It maintains an up-to-date listing of the 800 or so trusts now in existence.
Answer: A single source with an up-to-date listing is hard to find.
You can also check Lonely Planet's relevant destination chapters for up-to-date listings.
The game helps out by keeping an up-to-date listing all off happenings within the family.
An up-to-date listing of social events can be found here.