Wrap a subway map around this academic book and you have one of the most useful and up-to-date guides to New York City in years.
This book is the most thorough and up-to-date guide to starting and maintaining a music career-- a must for every musician's bookshelf.
Babygoes2 has a quick and up-to-date guide to self-catering accommodation, which is both suitable for young children and still available this summer.
Age Concern Cleveland is offering the most up-to-date guide to money benefits for older people.
An up-to-date guide to suppliers of laboratory equipment.
And an up-to-date guide listing areas determined safe for clam digging by the state is available free at most sporting good stores.
To help you to do this, and avoid the pitfalls, we keep an up-to-date guide to holiday protection on our website: telegraph.co.uk/holidayprotection.
Although a number of more up-to-date guides are on the market, his books remain among the most popular for their depth, detail and unique style.
The professional status of translators should be clarified, and up-to-date guides and databases should be established to assist their work.
Vinismo.com was a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date, and reliable guide of all wine regions and producers in the world.