The ballad from Carousel had ended and a lively, up-tempo tune from South Pacific was intruding on the mood.
The song is an up-tempo tune, in which the narrator lists off various traits of a "country boy," such as his work ethic and leisure activities.
It is an up-tempo tune in the 1960s style, featuring guitar in the foreground and banjo in the background.
But he's also a fine, evocative player on ballads and can be fiery and explosive on up-tempo tunes.
The song is a moderately up-tempo tune in which the singer hymns the praises of dancing, specifically with her "beloved friend".
In 1986, Mack recorded another Alligator album, Second Sight, which featured both introspective and up-tempo tunes as well as an instrumental blues jam.
There's a couple of up-tempo tunes, but mostly the rhythm of the heartbeat kind of takes precedence on this record.
The result however costs more memorable hooks in the up-tempo tunes.
On the plentiful up-tempo tunes, all three guitar soloists heeded a more-is-more philosophy: more notes, in tighter clusters, at greater speed and volume.
It presents a rhythmic up-tempo tune with rap passages.