Young, who turned pro when he was 14, has always had an up-and-down relationship with the United States Tennis Association.
Andy starts to tell the saga of Mickey and Ellen's up-and-down relationship.
And then there is Murrow's up-and-down relationship with CBS, the network where he spent almost his entire journalistic career.
This mutedly poignant film about a smart young girl's up-and-down relationship with her sixth-grade peers is virtually gadget-free.
Ms. Galef also has an up-and-down relationship with Mr. Silver, which explains why so few of her bills are passed.
As I said, it's been an up-and-down relationship.
The Governor, who has had an up-and-down relationship with the Senator, was particularly blunt yesterday in his reaction to the favorite-son trial balloon.
It's still an up-and-down relationship.
The two countries had gone through an up-and-down relationship over natural gas exports from Iran to the USSR.
It was a strange and choreographed encounter, another twist in an up-and-down relationship.