But even some conservatives who agree with Bush policy said they had been taken aback at times by the White House's unyielding stances.
Cardinal Ratzinger's support for an unyielding stance on those and other issues would seem likely to increase the prospect of conflicts between church and state.
Nevertheless, the cold war ended on the Republicans' watch, and so Reagan's unyielding stance was given much of the credit for bringing it to a close.
Passages of his speech implied that Iraq might be prepared to enter such talks with a less than unyielding stance.
My concern emanates from the seemingly rigid and unyielding stance adopted by these groups and individuals.
There was something in his unyielding stance and cold confidence that persuaded people to keep their distance.
They know they are losing ground because of their unyielding stance on abortion.
Although the author makes a powerful argument against all kinds of racial, religious, political and moral intolerance, he forces his characters into unyielding stances.
His son's unyielding stance on the situation spares him the trouble, however, and with that the girls' come to terms with arrangements.
Still, on some issues, like contraception, she seems to waver from the Vatican's unyielding stance.