Not in this ugly, dark water with a bottom of unyielding rock covered by ooze.
A decade ago the view had been considerably different: unyielding rock and sand everywhere, with isolated pockets of vegetation clustered around the few natural springs.
He banged into unyielding rock and turned, felt with his hands, found the opening.
We found none, of course; but even the hard, unyielding rock was grateful to our exhausted bodies.
Speechless with disappointment, she merely sat and stared straight ahead at the black, unyielding rock.
He took two steps and felt the spear-point touch the unyielding rock.
She hunched her aching shoulders and pressed against the unyielding rock as the wind screamed into the shaft.
Liet could not keep his eyes open, and tried to shrink farther into the unyielding rock.
With a screech of titanium, the torpedo array struck the unyielding rock.
Hem groaned loudly with pain and writhed on the unyielding rock.