Peter Lord followed, puzzled and unwontedly serious.
Each member of the Council Extraordinary was unwontedly serious of mien, for each knew well what horror his world was facing.
Skif perched himself cross-legged on the top of her desk; his expression was unwontedly serious.
"Honor, I love you very much," she said then, her voice unwontedly serious.
The Grad, a blond boy four years older than Gavving, looked unwontedly serious.
Just watch your own backside, and-" Brandark looked up at last, his eyes unwontedly serious in the twilight "-good luck.
He shook his head, long silver hair moving over his shoulders like fog, disreputable face unwontedly serious.
In tones unwontedly serious, he said, "That was an abomination.
He pushed his plate aside and leaned forward, his face and body language both unwontedly serious.
You gentlemen are unwontedly serious.