Fate eventually catches up with him when he unwittingly kills his own brother, who in turn mortally wounds him.
The changeling takes the form of (and unwittingly kills) the first person it comes across, a handsome, wealthy young man named Jimmy Berry.
Instead, Peter unwittingly kills two airplane pilots, proving people are not immortal, and forcing actress Karen Black to land the plane.
In the movie, this passage is replaced by a violent scene in which he unwittingly kills the head guard who is preparing to rape him.
The stupa was said to have been built by a prince as penance for unwittingly killing his father.
"Night Journey" is based on the story of Oedipus, the heroic warrior and king who unwittingly kills his father and marries his own mother, Jocasta.
There he encounters an unconscious mutant known as Dust, a former captive who unwittingly killed her captors by turning into a deadly sandstorm.
Danny unwittingly kills him in front of his young child, then is injured during the getaway.
This psychological complex indirectly derives from the Greek mythologic character Oedipus, who unwittingly killed his father and sexually possessed his mother.
To Qwilleran, the incredible coincidence was Koko's persistent interest in 'Oedipus Rex', the ancient story of a king who unwittingly killed his own father.