It appears that once revealed the plot dissolved and Henry Dudley remained at large in France, his great scheme undermined by careless talk and too unwieldy an organisation.
He said tonight that the Administration expected to replace the departing I.R.S. Commissioner, Margaret Richardson, with an executive experienced in large technology projects and unwieldy organizations.
If he can build a consensus inside an unwieldy organization that has been torn apart by self-interest, Ward could provide the committee with a needed morale boost and image makeover.
As a start, the Administration wants to change the name of the unwieldy organization to the "Community on Security and Cooperation in Europe."
With the arrival of the 19th Bombardment Group, the 4th Composite Group would become an unwieldy organization.
The guild was an unwieldy organization for all its tight efficiency, and it must be kept hi line.
It was the Mafia-or rather, a small member of that crude and unwieldy organization.
She was in charge, confident and poised to shake up an unwieldy organization lacking direction and frayed by self-interest.
One big obstacle that Rebuild L.A. failed to overcome was its unwieldy organization, particularly its 94-member board and five co-chairmen, a management structure that made decision-making cumbersome.
It is more of a general call to arms from a senior executive frustrated with what has become an unwieldy and unsuccessful organization.