For anyone frustrated with the unwieldy nature of the presidential debates, this may not be the perfect solution.
This was to avoid what Hawke viewed as the unwieldy nature of the 27-member Whitlam cabinet.
This is partly due the unwieldy nature and increased weight of knives compared to clubs for juggling.
The unwieldy nature of the investigation, which involves using still photographs reproduced from video tape, had made the task more difficult, he said.
Unlike Duel, a more significant amount of defensive work is tolerated due to the heavier and more unwieldy nature of the hammerheads compared to pugil sticks.
Ion Cannon Frigates, for instance, are very vulnerable to fighters due to the unwieldy (albeit powerful) nature of their single weapon.
The unwieldy nature of the Japanese kana with its inability to accurately represent coda consonants has contributed to the degradation of the original Ainu.
The pike, due to its unwieldy nature, was always intended to be used in a deliberate, defensive manner, often in conjunction with other missile and melee weapons.
In the early days there were no production facilities, due in part to the unwieldy and expensive nature of the technology then available.
Haul bags are often affectionately known as "pigs" due to their unwieldy nature.