They were then unwieldy, unreliable, and unproved instruments of warfare, and there was much doubt whether they had any function and value at all on the battlefield.
She will be easy to spot, and not only because of her unwieldy instrument (which, in truth, she wields deftly).
After this he made frequent visits to England, and his extraordinary command of his unwieldy instrument gained him great popularity in London and the provinces.
"You see, Jack, I find the club rather an unwieldy instrument for my delicately-formed muscles, and I flatter myself I shall do more execution with a spear."
If the scheme is comprehensive, it may also be said to be an unwieldy instrument for judges and juries to use.
It took him about a year to learn the basics of the unwieldy instrument.
Wiggins built the unique and somewhat unwieldy instrument in 1990 at the physics workshop of Oxford University, from which he earlier obtained his Ph.D.
The Treasury must find a way to price extremely complex and sometimes unwieldy instruments for which a market does not exist.
The playing in the concluding Magnificat was much more elegant; here Friday's brass musicians struggled a little more successfully with their unwieldy instruments than they had earlier in the evening.
An eight- or twelve-inch pair of scissors is an unwieldy instrument, difficult to guide within the 1/32th of an inch of the pattern outline.