And Captain Duval (Bruce Boxleitner) is their sword master and surrogate father, charged with keeping the unwieldy group in line.
Founded by an unconventional programmer, Autodesk was a classic Valley example of a successful company being run by an unwieldy group of innovators.
It was a large and unwieldy group in a process that required nimbleness and the ability to shift directions quickly.
The character of Comoran politics ensured that opposition would be sustained by an unwieldy group of strong personalities.
Though we were a large and unwieldy group, the juicy lamb and flavorful filet mignon helped keep everyone remarkably content.
It's astonishing because very little is unprecedented for an unwieldy group that double-dares itself in games of incompetence on a monthly basis.
With this method all the people who wish to be involved in the selection of a candidate do so one after the other and not as one unwieldy group.
That would have made for more interesting reading but, more important, it would have given an intellectual framework to an otherwise unwieldy group of writers and topics.
Despite the early signs of victory, the main concern of Shiite leaders on Thursday seemed to be holding their unwieldy group together.
Somehow, a field of competitors has congealed into a singularly unwieldy (and more often than not, awful) vocal group.