This president's mission is to tame the unwieldy federal bureaucracy, not empower it.
Europe, they charge, is simply trying to protect its coddled farmers, and a registry would only create an unwieldy international bureaucracy.
But even some critics of the unwieldy bureaucracy worried that the cuts would be too deep, too fast.
Facing an unwieldy bureaucracy, he has eliminated nearly 4,000 jobs and cut the staff of the central office in half.
It was the reaction of a man accustomed to dealing with an unwieldy bureaucracy.
As constructed, the Olympic committee is run by an unwieldy bureaucracy.
A referendum took place on 16 May 2009 to decide whether to cut down the government's unwieldy political bureaucracy.
The entire process, he said, taught him much about dealing with the sometimes unwieldy bureaucracy involved in renovating a city park.
The act also created an an unwieldy bureaucracy that aid workers say has often hindered the very development it was meant to encourage.
Moving slowly, thanks to unwieldy bureaucracy, but steadily, a group of global experts has spent more than two years researching and documenting the monument.