Turning away from the unwelcome thought, he said, "Have you a report on damages yet?"
And that feeling gave rise to an unwelcome thought.
And, an unwelcome thought, was it possible that his own attitude, in those days, had left something to be desired?
But it seemed to be his night for unwelcome thoughts.
No one wants to talk about calories because cutting them means dealing with the concept of eating less food, an unwelcome thought for many people.
There was another small silence as the others absorbed this additional unwelcome thought.
There were times, however, when no matter how hard she tried, Ginny could not push the unwelcome thoughts from her mind.
An unwelcome thought occurred to Josh, and he looked alarmed.
Out of its depths an unwelcome thought came swimming upward.
He shook his head as if to dismiss an unwelcome thought.