They're unwelcome reminders of imperfection on the golden field of success.
But it may not have been welcome - for many, the continued British presence on the island is an unwelcome reminder of an unpopular colonial past.
Spikily incongruous, and an unwelcome reminder of my central problem.
But yesterday's shutdown served as an unwelcome reminder of the line's troubled history.
She wanted to wish him luck, but it stuck in her throat, an unwelcome reminder of his words to Kirk only a few minutes before.
It's another unwelcome reminder that she isn't completely human and organic.
But in today's world, they argued, it is basically a slur on blacks and an unwelcome reminder of slavery.
The sudden loss of heat was an unwelcome reminder.
It came as an unwelcome reminder that, in a terrorist's eyes, the world's most powerful country remains the world's number one target.
If you sent them out early, they were an unwelcome reminder that the holidays were coming and you still had too many things to do.