The unweighted average of Gini Indices for industrialized countries is 30.6.
Intuitively, the simplest way to smooth a time series is to calculate a simple, or unweighted, moving average.
And even though it is only a simple approach (typically an unweighted mean average), this method is just as useful as other more sophisticated models.
An alternative overall index, so-called Version 1, has been thus calculated as an unweighted average of the summary measures for regular and temporary contracts only.
The Long-Term Composite Rate is the unweighted average of bid yields on all outstanding fixed-coupon bonds neither due nor callable in less than 10 years.
Class rank is determined from an unweighted average of all courses taken in grades nine through twelve.
Applicants must have a 3.25 unweighted average.
Juniors and Seniors with an unweighted average of 89 and a weighted average of 91 will be eligible for consideration.
The average grade of execution is the unweighted average of grades given by all the judges on a panel.
Most elementary aggregate indexes are necessarily 'unweighted' averages for the sample of products within the sampled outlets.