And most unsettling of all is the thought that I may one day be admitted to a hospital myself - with all those unwashed hands.
These viruses spread through the air when people cough, or through physical contact (for example, on unwashed hands).
In addition, unwashed hands can contaminate the bucket and rope.
The rotavirus germs can then spread to other children from the caregiver's or child's unwashed hands.
I'd be afraid to touch my unwashed hands to my face.
But even then, the wearer must be careful not to touch it with unwashed hands.
Sam, called back in to the table, assailed his food with unwashed hands.
Food may become contaminated by the unwashed hands of an infected food handler.
If that person then touches food with the unwashed hand and consumes the food, the virus is now inside the body.
The most dangerous thing that patients encounter in the hospital may well be the unwashed hands of their doctors, say infectious disease specialists.