For a few minutes there was absolute quiet, as the evildoers checked to be sure that their unwary guests were sound asleep.
Cordelia got to him first, before he was either stepped on by an unwary guest, or recaptured by Security forces in the persons of the breathless maidservant and terrified bodyguard who were supposed to be filling in for Drou.
Because there were only four feet separating them, any light created an unwholesomely vertiginous effect upon the unwary guest when he awoke.
The unwary guest would release the flapping birds once the upper crust was cut into.
For puddings of Yule with plums, poor fool, he arrived so much too soon: An unwary guest on a lunatic quest from the Mountains of the Moon.
In addition to the necessary pot it contained a thirty-two pounder carronade and a small hanging lantern, in case the bull's eye in the port-lid should not be enough to show the unwary guest the consequences of a false step.
But he remains ready to throw the book at hotels that slap high extra fees of any kind on unwary guests.
Baniff drew ire by inadvertently sitting in Genna's special chair, a chair that seemed placed for the express purpose of inviting unwary guests into making such an error and thereby giving the couple an excuse to tell how Genna used to hold her little gray kitten in that very chair every night and sing to it.
On our most recent visit, a band of mongooses paraded through the bar, warthogs mowed the lawn, and a flock of weaver birds tried to steal popcorn from the tables of unwary guests.
There are a number of giochi d'acqua by means of which the marquis would bemuse unwary guests, chasing them into the garden from the upper terrace.