Kruger's action was widely seen as unwarranted interference with the independence of the judiciary.
But most of the people here oppose capital controls, viewing them as unwarranted interference in free markets.
They were united instead by their opposition to what they saw as unwarranted governmental interference in the practice of medicine.
"South Africa must unite against uncalled for and unwarranted interference in our domestic affairs," he said.
Consequently, it will be all too easy for him to portray the manoeuvre as an unwarranted interference in Scotland's affairs.
Leaving aside considerations of international law, I see this as an unwarranted interference in Austria's jurisdiction.
The pressure to close down is seen as an unwarranted interference in domestic affairs.
The only possible reason for your unwarranted interference is boredom!
"It would be unwarranted interference in their politics," dell'Aqua replied, avoiding the real reason.
This is unwarranted interference in Japanese affairs and outside your jurisdiction.