The helicopter crash on that hot, humid Friday put an unwanted spotlight on MBNA, which was hoping to keep its "for sale" sign under wraps.
A little-known Government agency has suddenly found itself under an unwanted spotlight because of the legal troubles of Attorney General Edwin Meese 3d.
While some American officers have complained that the abuse scandal has thrown an unwanted spotlight on military detention and interrogation operations, Navy officials said the charges announced Friday were appropriate.
Shivering, she took a step forward, a reluctant actor in an unwanted spotlight.
Millie is a loving, sympathetic character living out the cycles of grief under an unwanted spotlight.
Still, the agreement marked an end to an unusually public squabble that provided an unwanted spotlight on the extent of Mr. Clinton's fund-raising activities over the past year, particularly in states like New York.
Now, two decades after avoiding a massacre, Club Marakesh is once again caught in the harsh and unwanted spotlight that comes with tragedy.
During its brief and contentious public life, however, the adultery proposal shone an unwanted spotlight on the backgrounds of the party leaders.
The case has cast an unwanted spotlight on the normally circumspect imperial family and brought to light what appears to be a rift within it.
The showdown between Telecom Italia and Brasil Telecom has also put Citigroup, the world's biggest bank, in an unwanted spotlight in Brazil.