On the pages in between, as Mr. Michaelson puts it in his foreword to the book, are dozens of characters right out of "central casting for the late-late show of an unvarnished reality."
Mr. Hewitt said the company was not trying to get rich or dethrone YouTube, but to create a place on the Web for unvarnished reality.
Instead it enhances it, serving as a reminder that Hollywood treatments of the Holocaust, as excellent as some of them have been, are no match for the unvarnished reality.
Both discoveries help us see afresh this classic figure, who seems as interesting for being uneven and unpredictable as he is for his familiar commitment to unvarnished reality.
Online, MTV's Web site broadcast live from 28 cameras backstage, promising unvarnished reality but mostly showing how TV-trained pop stars keep their cool anywhere a camera is running.
But Eakins seems as interesting for being uneven and unpredictable in his commitment to unvarnished reality.
This series of reports on the war in Iraq is based on 391,832 previously secret US military field reports and details the unvarnished and often unknown realities of the war in Iraq.
For better or worse, millions of people trust live video and cinema verite as unvarnished reality.
Or you can give children access to the unvarnished reality of computing and let them figure it out.
Regardless of career ambitions, there were officers and NCO's who understood the unvarnished reality of the war, and made no bones about it.