But the 11-month investigation also focused on extortion, money-laundering and other financial crimes that the police described as unusually sophisticated.
This model has an unusually sophisticated circuit that monitors the strength and quality of incoming FM signals.
The house itself is an unusually sophisticated late application of the Greek Revival architectural style.
This unusually sophisticated iconography has generated a plethora of interpretations.
Adam Luikart was the frail but unusually sophisticated boy soprano.
Researchers describe its repertoire of 38 distinct sounds as unusually sophisticated, conforming to grammatical rules.
Villa-Lobos does not use popular music; his music is its manifestation heard, however, with a precise and unusually sophisticated ear.
These were unusually sophisticated applications of the style, with Federal and Georgian-inspired detailing.
The fiber-optic advances will reach a population that is unusually sophisticated when it comes to the Net.
Its overall level of decoration is unusually sophisticated for a utilitarian structure.