I am interested in the fact that you have unusually keen minds.
I loved her, yet at the same time I followed with an unusually keen and avid attention the process of her destruction in the illness.
Borrowers have been unusually keen to ask about locking in rates when they apply for a mortgage these days.
He saw only a moving dot, but Signe had unusually keen eyes.
On the other hand, being a sheep-dog, her instinctive fear of the Wild, and especially of the wolf, was unusually keen.
Mr. Polanski has an unusually keen sense of the quiet fury such episodes might inspire.
It's not extrasensory but good old human perception, which in Danny's case is unusually keen.
One edge of its blade was unusually keen.
Interest from the media has been unusually keen, and mostly negative.
Also, she had unusually keen sight and hearing.