SNR 0509-67.5 is the remnant of an unusually energetic Type 1a supernova from about 400 years ago.
The viceroy Lord Curzon (1899-1905) was unusually energetic in pursuit of efficiency and reform.
The outbursts have spectra and brightness profiles of unusually energetic, type SNIa supernova.
Blaze is unusually energetic, and is described as having amazing panache.
One day when we felt unusually energetic, we walked the nature trail around Cathedral Point, which takes about 45 minutes.
Johnson has been described as "an unusually energetic and vehement racist and nativist."
Some of the early warning signs of a manic episode include feeling unusually energetic or irritable or needing less sleep.
Rick Parfitt Jnr was a healthy, unusually energetic and sports-mad boy.
An unusually energetic young woman, she was able to work in the garden, clean the house, cook and support her husband's surgical practice without effort.
For all its faults, "Fortress" has an unusually energetic imagination.