The series follows a female police detective with an unusually detailed memory.
The affidavit, nearly 100 pages long, provided an unusually detailed narrative account.
But he takes this a step further with an unusually detailed author's note full of instructions to the reader.
Unusually Detailed But the statement's focus on specific legislation was unusual.
The employees were given an unusually detailed rundown on the budget, including information about expenses and profits.
The unusually detailed accounts, officials said, were an effort to undercut sympathy that might build for Iraq.
But the report offers an unusually detailed portrait of internal problems at a union that is on the rise in influence and power.
While the documents are basically marketing tools, they offer an unusually detailed look at the magazines.
They have provided an unusually detailed account of a major corporate kidnapping case that has become a study in what not to do.
Key systems are being subjected to unusually detailed monitoring.