Oestrus lasts five days, and mating is unusually brief.
Arbitragers and analysts speculated on Thursday that the offer's unusually brief duration was meant to put pressure on the company's board to act.
The Court agreed today in an unusually brief opinion, just more than five pages long.
He made unusually brief remarks to the players Monday morning, then sent them home several hours early.
"Don't even think of smoking here," is the current, unusually brief message on display.
When the great man finally spoke down the line from the Chinese capital, the conversation was unusually brief for two such old friends.
A comic strip with an unusually brief publication period, it was cancelled after just three months, the final comic published on June 23, 1935.
A company spokesman, Victor L. Campbell, acknowledged that the offer's duration was unusually brief.
Committee hearings had been unusually brief, largely because few had the courage to testify against it.
That was an unusually brief and straightforward reply for Trinary.