His vehicles, unusual in any setting, seem all the more surprising on his prototypical suburban New Jersey street.
Merlin was specifically authorised to operate new, unusual and novel vehicles.
In the issue closest to Christmas, Autocar traditionally publishes a "road test" of a more unusual vehicle.
Like other Ridge Racer games it not only features fictional cars but other unusual vehicles as well, called "special machines" in the game.
This unusual home-made vehicle was effectively a four-wheeled bicycle on flanged wheels.
Damory also operate a number of other unusual vehicles, as noted below.
When the restaurant is not busy, the nicest, most unusual or newest vehicles will be parked in front of the restaurant.
Cook Brothers had developed an unusual vehicle for desert conditions.
Only police cars can have colored lights, said the officer, pointing to the red and green running lights on my father's unusual vehicle.
The Amphicar saw fairly high production for a rather unusual vehicle.