At around 0700 hrs Maafushi jail was broken, thinking the government was overthrown, as the detainees got the news of the unusual protest in Malé.
The demonstrators demanded the release of a local television technician who had been arrested and sentenced to 30 days in jail for an unusual protest on Monday.
So effective was their network that pro-democracy groups were able to organise two unusual nationwide protests.
The Palestinians are looking for new ways to mobilize their cause, and the unusual protest by thousands of prisoners is supposed to be one of them.
And in an unusual public protest, 100 demonstrators marched in a central square of the capital on Sunday, chanting, "Immediate action!
This was the ostensible inspiration for an unusual 1975 protest.
The extremely unusual protests took place on the eve of the eighth anniversary of the Soviet military sweep into Afghanistan.
On this unusually cold spring day, however, the capital was calm, with no unusual protest demonstrations reported.
The park was the site of an unusual public protest in 1901.
But in the past two weeks, several respected church officials resigned in a highly unusual public protest of that policy.