In the thriller genre, ABC has three shows with unusual premises.
Once its unusual premise is established, very early on, the trajectory of the story is all too obvious.
However, Zhang did praise the story concept, noting that it was "interesting" with "an unusual premise".
Ms. Vowell's latest book certainly has an unusual premise.
The game received a mixed reception from critics, who focused on the game's unusual premise.
The thousands of visitors who stream into this show, which is popular among families as well as collectors, have intuitively understood its unusual premise.
Critics seemed to enjoy the game's creativity and unusual premise, as the game was a substantial departure from anything else on the market.
Furthermore, Steele's unusual premise allowed it to explore themes of personal identity and role-playing in strikingly complex ways.
Due to its unusual premise and Sammy Snyders' effective performance, it has retained a small cult following.
It is an unusual premise, and the two directors plan to establish separate companies in September after nine years together.