An exotic pet is an unusual pet that is kept with humans.
An anteater is an unusual pet and, as these owners are finding out, they are not easily housebroken.
It also may be promoted as a rare breed for those seeking an unusual pet.
It was the second time he had seen an evil and ambitious man with an unusual pet.
Minya had only heard of the squad's unusual pet.
You see some unusual pets in people's living rooms - but it's not often you see a pig.
Like Alex, he has an unusual pet (a toad) and a distinctive catch phrase, "hello, little green friend."
Millions of reptiles are brought into the country every year to satisfy the demand for unusual pets.
Before, humans had considered him cute or exotic, like an unusual pet, and he had had to breathe fire to get his way with them.
There will be no serpents or other unusual pets allowed on board.