Perhaps it was her unusual looks, which were not entirely lost.
The trial, in its third week, has refocused national attention on the case and provided a unusual look into Dublin drug-dealing.
Also, because of its unusual look, it is sometimes used in advertising and display graphics.
That gave it a somewhat unusual "look" for a prime-time TV series.
While experts say that the new skis are practical - they make turning easier - it's their unusual look that's drawing most of the attention.
His success story offers a look, unusual for television, at the connection between a scholar's life and his work.
The Ape's unusual looks can help draw attention to a brand or business.
Dorothy Tutin's unusual looks, as well as her acting ability, led to early success.
It is 30 meters high and has an unusual squared look to it.
He'd never before seen the unusual headgear look as if they belonged.