Approved with unusual haste, the resolution was seen as applying primarily to Edward M. Gibbs, the former deputy county executive.
Perhaps he should have rested, postponed the exorcism until the next evening but the bishop had been in an unusual haste.
The lethargic individual showed unusual haste as he dumped the bulky newspapers into a wastebasket and laid the envelope at the side of the desk.
Having completed the formalities with unusual haste, Trencavel moved straight to business.
Dark clouds stacked to the south and rushed with unusual haste toward the island.
But the agency has given no hints that it sees a need to move with unusual haste.
True intelligence should realize that unusual haste can also have unusual consequences.
The game was going rapidly, moves coming with unusual haste, with little or no lag between.
After the last act, Paget left the theater with unusual haste.
Before I had finished this operation Billali himself arrived with undignified and unusual haste.