The combination makes for unusual happenings this time of year.
Have you heard of any unusual happenings in this neighborhood, Julia?
She remembered he'd instructed her to come to him with any unusual happenings.
Had there been no further unusual happenings this morning, we could have brought them to order.
To see a rainbow in a dream, is prognostic of unusual happenings.
By the following morning she had recovered to some extent from the unusual happenings in her normally well ordered life.
As such, whenever there are unusual happenings within the city, Kirima can be found investigating what has happened.
But a cautious inquiry of any unusual happenings might bring useful information.
Often, the intent is to surprise the audience with unusual happenings to characters much like themselves, or more hysterical.
To read her column about unusual happenings or who is getting chummy, you simply type "Go Cup."