A war of memorandums ensued, one of unusual ferocity.
Corelli's eyes also burned with an unusual ferocity, though she was not a beautiful girl.
But this year, a battle of unusual ferocity - and topic - is disrupting the harmony here.
They did not hear the thunder as it raged with unusual ferocity or see the lightning that lit the cell-like room.
A guard dog attacks Wilbur with unusual ferocity, killing him.
Exactly what has caused the fires to burn with their unusual ferocity is still unknown.
Dudley babes are reputed to kick their mothers with unusual ferocity in the womb and to give them considerable grief while proceeding into the world.
'Bloody boring stuff, garlic,' said Gern, with unusual ferocity.
The rival forces met at Sievershausen on 9 July 1553, and after a combat of unusual ferocity Albert was put to flight.
His troops had lacked the time or inclination to erect breastworks, and for over an hour both sides participated in a standup fight of unusual ferocity.