Holiday also claimed that he noticed several unusual coincidences, including camera malfunction during certain Nessie sightings.
Beyond this one unusual coincidence, the 50-mile rule has resounding implications.
This unusual coincidence led to the suggestion that Parkinson's may possibly have some sort of environmental trigger.
So there would be some unusual coincidence that freed him from this marriage trap.
It is an unusual fact, an unusual coincidence.
Mayor Stephen Goldsmith said there was no indication of anything more than "an unusual coincidence" between the fire and the jury's presence in the hotel.
There is, however, this unusual coincidence of proximity with the jury.
Recently, however, Dr. Weisfuse has learned of an unusual coincidence.
Through an unusual coincidence of timing, the Justices will consider as early as next month whether to hear at least three other abortion cases.
Last night," explained Parridge, seriously, "I ran into a most unusual coincidence.