Whether these theorists, who include an unusual assortment of Nobel laureates, will succeed in explaining superconductivity with solitons is far from clear.
The island itself is also home to an unusual assortment of animal life, some native, some visiting.
In the meantime, Colonel Jones was hard at work collecting a rather unusual assortment of articles.
For their Eurovision appearance, Skamp wore an unusual assortment of clothes.
It wasn't that they didn't have a high station, but they were looked upon as having an unusual assortment of members.
It features diagonally-battened door fastens and am unusual assortment of variously sized paving stones.
Her female backing singers appeared in an unusual assortment of clothing, including one dressed as a cowgirl, with a peach-coloured hat.
An unusual assortment, chosen by a person with kind intentions and little money to spend, who wanted to convey a meaning or a message.
It was an unusual assortment of business concerns.
York Region has an unusual assortment of points of interest, ranging from nature reserves to pioneer-era museums, to a modern amusement park.