The garden will offer one-day workshops, including one today on spring lawn care, from 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., and one on May 19, about planting unusual annuals.
And on Tuesday, Dr. Howard S. Irwin, director of Clark Botanic Garden in Albertson, will describe them when he lectures on unusual annuals.
The book also lists more than 40 sources for unusual annuals.
Wave Hill's horticultural lecture series, which will take place at the arts club, starts tonight with a talk on cultivating unusual annuals and non-hardy plants.
That is where and when Dr. Howard Irwin, the garden's director, not only will lecture on versatile and unusual annuals like these, but also show his listeners of what he speaks.
Today, the demand is for showier, more unusual annuals in larger pots, which are easier to water and have some room for their roots to grow.
So feel free to experiment with everything from shrubs and bulbs to herbs, old roses and perennials, as well as unusual annuals that may have to be grown from seed.
Donald B. Lacey Display Garden - unusual and colorful annuals, tropicals, herbs, and vegetables.
Topics will include ornamental grasses, unusual annuals, ways to use mosses in garden designs, new woody plants, waterlilies and lemon-scented herbs.
THIS WEEK Dig Up Some New Ideas Take a break and visit other gardens for ideas on unusual annuals, perennials and summer-blooming shrubs.