In the United Kingdom the word lumber has several other meanings, including unused or unwanted items.
At the bottom of the bag is a pager, an unused, obsolete item in the age of the BlackBerry and cellphone.
Some items restore, reduce or raise the upper limit of certain character stats; items unused will be carried to the next level.
One running example was sold at auction 2011, which included rights to the show and unused promotional items.
On the reality show, homeowners try to sell old or unused items in their home at auction.
An ancient tradition, no longer existing, was disposing of old or unused items by dropping them from the window.
In the navigational approach all of these data would be placed in a single record, and unused items would simply not be placed in the database.
Additionally, the text file that includes the descriptions for the items mentions these unused items and a "Digital Insignia".
Columbia assembled the album around the single, including material that had been previously released on singles and unused items from earlier sessions.
Many companies wait too long to sift through the mountain of returned items, and so lose the chance to resell the unused items for a decent profit.