He also knocks down walls that hide existing fireplaces, and will cover over unused fireplaces.
A figure by the unused fireplace raised his arm, and I recognized Kisten, unseen in the shadows until he moved.
He also paid attention to safety, coating a set of andirons with rubber before turning them into a television stand in an unused fireplace.
In one of these rooms, I concealed a great deal of money for my later use, hiding it inside the chimney of the unused fireplace.
An unused fireplace and stone chimney filled one corner of the room.
Fireboards provided a decorative method of screening unused fireplaces.
An unused fireplace in one corner, a single wingback chair covered with a design of blotchy flowers.
An old, unused fireplace was in back of Professor Jark.
Now, the eight-bedroom house is in a shambles, its hardwood floors and four fireplaces unused since the Red Cross moved out in 1985.
An old sofa covered the unused fireplace.