Millions die each year from diseases, untreated medical conditions, lack of nutrition, starvation, and freezing to death.
After another concert goes wrong due to her untreated disease, she is finally sent to get help for her schizophrenia.
Other scholars put the toll at around 1.7 million deaths from executions, torture, starvation and untreated disease.
In Kawasaki's disease, untreated, there is a 1-2% death rate, from cardiac causes.
Caretakers with untreated dental disease present a very high risk to their children.
Women and girls are dying in droves from untreated diseases.
And we know that some ethnic groups - and women, overall - are especially likely to live with untreated chronic diseases.
This disease, if untreated, can lead to brain and liver damage.
They no longer know the reality of untreated disease.
The course of the untreated disease was inexorable.