Parish magazines, being frequently produced by largely untrained volunteers with often variable talents, have always been likely to be uneven in quality.
He soon found that he had only 25 untrained volunteers for the difficult mission.
Lithuania could not offer serious resistance as at the time its army consisted only of about 3,000 untrained volunteers.
You've hit upon the purpose of the 'Big Society:' to replace paid professionals with untrained volunteers.
At least one study has shown that untrained volunteers are able to produce reliable data.
Governors are largely untrained volunteers doing what they can in their spare time.
You simply cannot replace highly trained and experienced professionals with untrained volunteers, and expect to improve on the service provided.
Most educators working in the adult literacy field "are not untrained, casual volunteers.
They are relying on untrained volunteers and hoping that foreigners will show up to direct them.
This is due to the difficulties which untrained volunteers might encounter in dealing with the clientele.