Some analysts view a cut as a budgetary gimmick with perhaps untoward consequences for the economy.
No mention is made of how this and other untoward consequences are avoided.
"I say we minimize the amount of contamination released, and give data that show no untoward consequence is possible."
To get out from Iraq now may have untoward consequences, but if not now, when?
But having hospitals behave more like purveyors of french fries can have untoward consequences.
Yet many people have these genes and never suffer any untoward consequences.
Research in recent years has found no untoward consequences of maintaining a moderate fitness routine while pregnant.
Sometimes the request hangs fire, or the fulfilment is delayed, with untoward consequences.
Finally the monster quit the chase, and Min got away with no consequence more untoward than having to explain himself.
When published, such results often point the way to further, more fruitful investigations and/or warn of untoward consequences.