Like Albania itself, this lost city harbors untold treasures for the intrepid - and at a price that just about anyone can afford.
On the other hand, when we learn a new word, it is the key to untold treasures....
"You promised to bring back untold treasures from Africa."
Your mind holds untold treasures of the alien's technology.
Antony had conquered the Parthians, won vast tracts for Rome, accumulated untold treasure.
This time the magic words had the desired effect, and the donkey and table-cloth provided the family with treasures untold.
The boy looked wistful, as though unfairly shut off from untold treasures.
Because Hill House will be mine someday, with its untold treasures and its cushions?
Eight thousand talents of gold and silver, thirty million medimni of wheat, untold treasures and art works.
It is there that a galleon, supposedly containing treasures untold, is awaiting protection across the Atlantic for safe travel back to Spain.